EWI DuraStir
EWI has been on the leading edge of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) since its inception in the early 1990s. We have advanced FSW for hard metals with EWI DuraStir and EWI DuraStir for R&D.
These proprietary tools are used to weld hard metals such as steels, titanium, and nickel-based alloys using FSW. EWI DuraStir tools have immediate application in the aerospace, heavy manufacturing, oil and gas, nuclear, military and construction equipment industries.
Two versions of the product are offered: a production version and an R&D version. Both are customizable and capable of welding thick sections (up to 1-in.) of hard metals, but the production version offers more durability for heavy use and the R&D version offers a lower price point.
Product Benefits
Both the R&D and production versions of the tools are capable of welding both thick and thin sections, up to 1 inch, in a single pass?greater than any other tool available on the market today.
In the production version, the refractory metal based tools are extremely durable and can make multiple passes without failure or excessive wear. The R&D versions are still durable, but not made to withstand the same rigor.
The tools can be re-dressed, extending the life of a single tool. In the production version, under recommended conditions, weld lengths in the hundreds of feet can be achieved.
EWI DuraStir for R&D offers you the same FSW capabilities as the production version, but at a price that fits your R&D budget.
For more information or to order EWI DuraStir or EWI DuraStir for R&D, contact Tim Stotler at 614.688.5221 or [email protected].