I figured welding was difficult and took great skill to master. Now I know. This EWI librarian bows before the welders of the world.
A few days ago, I donned the protective gear, lowered the helmet, and did some serious gas metal arc welding. As a complete welder newbie, in a group of other newbies, we (EWI associates) tested RealWeld Trainer™, approaching the experience just like any new student to the world of welding.
It was one thing to simulate the movement – checking my torch angle and speed among other benchmarks. That went well — how difficult can it be to make a straight line anyway? Then, we went live and there’s no hiding my skill or lack thereof – a camera captures and a software program analyzes my every move! That’s where the RealWeld Trainer™ rocks – welding under real conditions with immediate post weld analysis.
After each weld, my instructor and I reviewed a visual analysis of my weld, measured against benchmarks such as travel speed, torch angle, and proximity, and discussed what adjustments I needed to make to achieve the “sweet spot” in my next weld. For me, I needed to focus on my penchant to weld up the wall!
Photo: Instructor analyzes technique with a welder
Photo: This analysis must have been one of my final tries…or I’ll just claim it is. It looks pretty good.
Someone commented when I finished that I could mark “welding” off my bucket list. I can’t truthfully say that it was ever on my list, but maybe it should have been. It was a fun experience to try my hand at welding and to see the educational benefit in using RealWeld Trainer™.
Do you know about RealWeld Trainer™?
RealWeld Trainer™ offers a unique approach to welder training. It’s the only welding trainer intended for use in a welding booth – real welding training under real conditions. To learn more about RealWeld Trainer™, view the video from Lincoln Electric.
Photo: The newbie EWI welders and instructors at lunch