EWI Engineer and Project Manager Nancy Porter received an unexpected honor at last months’ American Welding Society FABTECH Conference in Las Vegas. There, she was named the Outstanding Society Leader by the OSU Alumni Association for her long service to the university’s Welding Engineering Alumni Society. Nancy, a 20+ year veteran of EWI, has been a WE Alumni Society board member for 22 years, serving terms as officer, treasurer, and president.
The WE Alumni Society promotes connection and fellowship among graduates of the program, some of whom are EWI Associates. The members raise funds to help current students attend AWS FABTECH, to support special academic endeavors, and to provide scholarships. The Society also maintains a job-posting service on their website. When asked why she has given so much of herself to the Society, Nancy said, “I love networking with fellow alums both professionally and personally. So many members turn up as clients, vendors and fellow Associates at EWI!”
Although Nancy has long organized the annual society luncheon at AWS FABTECH, she was not planning to attend this year due to travel costs and project load. She changed her mind when she was told that the people who were going to handle the front door admission were not going to be able to honor their commitment. She went to rescue her beloved Society and instead returned with a beautiful award and the satisfaction of knowing her work over the years is very much appreciated by Ohio State.