If you are an engineer who loves applying research, developing new technologies, and helping fabricators throughout manufacturing find solutions to their material and process challenges, then EWI offers a great environment for your career.
Our engineers are deeply passionate about their work. That claim might sound like hyperbole, but you don’t have to just take our word for it. You can catch our team’s excitement and dedication to advancing manufacturing technology in one of several recent podcasts featuring EWI associates and their work.
Last month, the CWB Association Welding Podcast featured two EWI engineers involved in some of EWI’s most impactful initiatives, Matt Malloy and Olga Eliseeva.
Matt Malloy, EWI Automation Program Manager, offers an overview of EWI’s automation projects which range from helping small and medium-sized fabricators implement automation in their facilities to developing tele-manufacturing technology which enables remote execution of manufacturing tasks. Listen now (Episode #141)
Olga Eliseeva, Associate Engineer, discusses her unique journey to becoming a materials engineer and the broad variety of EWI development projects she has been involved with including resistance-based sintering, joining aluminum and GEN3 steels in automotive manufacturing, and mathematical mapping using materials properties. Listen now (Episode #143)
Other podcasts and interviews featuring EWI associates include Principal Engineer Connie LaMorte on tele-manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing Business Director Howie Marotto on cold spray and other additive technologies, and Senior Engineer Miranda Marcus on plastic welding.
Interested in hearing more from EWI engineers? Click below to access the full collection of interviews and podcasts that highlight our staff and their work.