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Don’t forget – Visit & Use EWI Facilities

December 20, 2011

One of your Membership Benefits

As part of your EWI membership, you and your team are encouraged to visit EWI and let our experts take you on a guided tour. Seeing and experiencing EWI’s extensive labs and equipment first-hand will open your eyes to many capabilities you may not even be aware of.


You are also welcome to reserve our conference rooms for meetings or training at no cost. EWI provides a great environment in which to learn, interact, and inspire your engineers. To schedule a tour or reserve a space for meeting or training, contact our Events Specialist, Wanda Newman at [email protected]

or 614.688.5186 or feel free to contact me, Maggie Perez, if I may be of any assistance.  I may be contacted 6146.688.5062 or by email at [email protected].