Evaluate the Formability of Your Material Today
EWI offers a comprehensive suite of material formability tests for sheet material including steel, aluminum, titanium, and nickel alloys. Our experienced engineers evaluate the results of these tests to provide recommendations on lubricants, coatings, and materials for your specific application. Learn more about our material testing capabilities.
EWI’s Formability Testing Capabilities
The EWI forming labs are fully outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment for material formability testing. We have the expertise and resources to perform any of these tests for your specific material and application:
- Erichsen Bulge Test
- Forming Limit Diagram (FLD)
- Limiting Dome Height Test/Half Dome
- Hole Expansion Test
- Cup Drawing Test
- Viscous Pressure Biaxial Bulge Test
In addition to formability testing, the EWI Forming Center leads the way in applied R&D and customized solutions for manufacturers across industry sectors. Learn more about all of EWI’s forming capabilities.
Evaluate the formability of your material today.
To find out how EWI can help you determine material formability and fitness for your application, contact us today. Call 614.668.5152 or fill out the contact form on this page.
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