When it comes to joining dissimilar materials in lithium-ion batteries, ultrasonic metal welding is fast and efficient. However, due to tool wear, the sonotrodes used in battery joining have to be completely replaced frequently.
EWI has developed a new design approach that uses finite element analysis (FEA) to evaluate ultrasonic welding tools with replaceable knurl pads. As a result, new sonotrodes can be custom-designed for specific applications, quickly validated, and deployed.
You are invited to learn more about this approach in Sonotrode Design for Ultrasonic Metal Welding of Lithium-ion Batteries using Finite Element Analysis, written by EWI Project Engineer Amin Moghaddas. To view this paper, at no charge, simply complete the form on this page.
If you have questions about this process, you can reach the author at [email protected].
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