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Accelerating Production of Large Structures and Systems (RAPLSS): Establishing a National Manufacturing Roadmap

September 12, 2023

Staying competitive in large-structure production is vital for American industries today. The Accelerating Production of Large Structures and Systems (RAPLSS) survey initiative, sponsored by NIST Manufacturing USA and managed by EWI, aims to develop a national manufacturing roadmap.

The Need for Large Structure Production 4.0 Technologies

US industries must adopt leading-edge technologies for large structure production 4.0 to stay competitive globally. The RAPLSS roadmap takes a three-fold approach to reach its objectives:

  1. Development of Large Structure 4.0 Technologies: This involves using automation, data analytics, and IoT to optimize large structure production processes.
  2. Next-Generation Manufacturing, Fabrication, & Inspection Processes: Innovations in materials and techniques are crucial for improving production efficiency and reducing costs.
  3. Advanced Training Programs: Preparing the workforce for the future is a priority. The roadmap focuses on creating training programs to equip individuals with skills needed for modern manufacturing.

The RAPLSS initiative aims to identify specific industry gaps and needs to enhance American manufacturing in large structures and systems. By prioritizing innovation, efficiency, and workforce development, it aims to position the U.S. as a leader in this field. However, achieving this vision requires industry-wide participation from experts, manufacturers, and researchers. Please take the RAPLSS  5-minute survey to share your insights and be part of the journey towards accelerating production in this critical sector.

Questions about this survey? Contact Larry Brown, Senior Project Manager/Technical Advisor, Government Programs at [email protected].