ASTM International’s Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence unveiled its first annual report today, announcing more than $7 million in total in-kind, government, and other support since its July 2018 launch. ASTM International also announced that it would make new hires to support its growing leadership in additive manufacturing standardization and related areas.
Roughly $5 million in funding came through government-affiliated organizations and agencies such as America Makes (US), the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (Singapore), and Innovate UK. About $2 million of mostly in-kind support came from Center of Excellence partners Auburn University, NASA, EWI, the UK-based Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), NAMIC, the National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR), and ASTM International.
“Through this fast-growing center, we have funded several research projects to support standardization, we have been awarded several government-led projects, we have established industry consortia in two regions, we have launched workforce training efforts, and much more,” said Dr. Mohsen Seifi, ASTM International’s director of global additive manufacturing programs. “It’s exciting to see how far we have come – and to envision how far we can go – in addressing the critical need for technical standards development that supports advancements in additive manufacturing technology.”
To support the center and related additive manufacturing efforts, ASTM International is hiring additional staff in the U.S. and in Singapore. Earlier in July, the organization hired Mahdi Jamshidinia, Ph.D., to serve as Additive Manufacturing R&D Project Manager. Jamshidinia has over a decade of experience in additive manufacturing and materials processing, with expertise in laser powder bed fusion, electron beam powder bed fusion, alloy design, and more. Previously he worked for GE Additive and EWI.
For more information about the ASTM Center of Excellence for Additive Manufacturing, contact Mark Barfoot at [email protected].