In the previous posting, I talked about the importance of having a corrosion resistant surface for reliable bonding in any application involving adhesion — adhesive bonding, coatings, paints, or plastic components. In fact all adherent layers depend largely on the condition and stability of the interfacial surface. Much of my time is spent investigating surfaces and how to prepare them for reliable bonding. After that, the adhesive selection or application part comes into play. The most important thing is for the surface to be clean. Beyond that, more attention may be needed.
Several papers we’ve published and presented over the years have focused on surfaces and adherence to them. We’ve worked with aluminum, titanium, carbon steels, stainless steels, composites, ceramics, plastics, rubber, and difficult bonding surfaces such as polyolefins and fluoropolymers.
Applying this understanding of fundamental adhesion and surface interactions, we have helped people with many adhesion issues, not just adhesive bonding. We field inquiries regarding coatings, however applied, and plastic-metal interfaces such as those found with molded-over plastics onto metal inserts. We’ve dealt with seal leaks for feed-through pins and have worked on polymer-metal seals for hermeticity in photovoltaics.
If you’re having problems with getting stuff to stick to stuff, let us know. We can discuss it over the phone or arrange to come to your facility, it that’s what’s needed. Don’t come unglued — just give us a call.