ASTM International, Auburn University, NASA, EWI, and the MTC Launch Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence
On July 23, two groups launched centers of excellence in additive manufacturing aimed at accelerating R&D, standardization, and innovation in that field, also known as 3D printing.
Global standards developer ASTM International launched its Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (www.amcoe.org) with Auburn University, NASA, manufacturing technology innovator EWI, and the UK-based Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC). Auburn and NASA also formally launched the National Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence (NCAME).
ASTM International President Katharine Morgan said, “The synergy among EWI, MTC, Auburn, and NASA will help fill the gaps in technical standards that this industry needs to drive innovation. As a result, we’ll empower industries that are eager to apply additive manufacturing to aerospace, auto, medical, and more.”