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Boy Scout Welding Badge Clinic hosted by EWI and OSU’s Welding Engineering Program

March 9, 2016

DSCN2704On Saturday, March 5th, EWI and OSU’s Welding Engineering program hosted an 8-hour Boys Scout Welding Merit Badge clinic. The participants received hands-on instruction in gas metal arc welding and were coached and evaluated on their welding skill using the Lincoln Electric RealWeld System. They also learned about thermal cutting and non-arc welding processes, first aid, accident prevention, mechanical testing, and careers in welding. All of the scouts finished the day with badge requirements completed. Everyone attending had a good time and came away with a better appreciation of welding—some were talking about becoming welders and/or welding engineers.

Many thanks to the EWI and OSU-WE staff and alumni who helped make the day a success!

