Advanced Automation (Page 8)
October 10, 2022
Collaborative robot (cobot) technology is a flexible, affordable way to bring automation onto the production line for small and medium-sized manufacturers. EWI develops and helps smaller companies implement cobot solutions to improve quality and efficiency without unreasonable expense. Two such solutions are introduced in Productivity Solutions for Small and Medium-sized Manufacturers Through the Use of...
DetailsOctober 4, 2022
Olga Eliseeva Two EWI engineers are currently featured on the ASSEMBLY AUDIBLE podcast. This program, produced by ASSEMBLY magazine, explores the people, processes and technologies on the cutting edge of part-to-product fabrication. Miranda Marcus As a lead up to the ASSEMBLY Show later in October, Senior Engineer Miranda Marcus and Project Engineer Olga Eliseeva both...
DetailsSeptember 6, 2022
By Henry Cialone President & CEO, EWI When first developed, collaborative robots were sometimes viewed as just another fad. By now it’s become clear that collaborative robots – cobots – are both useful and affordable. Further, despite some initial beliefs that they would destroy manufacturing jobs, there are increasing indications that cobots can help companies address immediate...