Advanced Energy (Page 18)
July 3, 2018
CoorsTek, manufactures custom ceramic components for industries, including automotive, semiconductor, defense & aerospace, energy, and more. Headquartered in Golden, Colorado, CoorsTek has over 50 locations worldwide.
DetailsJune 5, 2018
According to trend watcher Industry Week, the number of electric cars on the road is likely to triple in the next two years – from 3.7 million last year to 13 million by the end of the decade. As the automotive industry starts to embrace vehicle electrification, there is an increasing need for smarter, more...
DetailsMay 15, 2018
Since our founding in 1984, EWI has supported the midstream pipeline industry through developing nondestructive examination tools, specialized testing and computer modeling approaches to support construction, repair, and integrity assessment of critical pipeline systems, materials engineering, and welding process expertise. EWI Senior Technology Advisor Tom McGaughy has written EWI Capabilities to Support the Midstream Pipeline Industry which outlines recent...