Advanced Energy (Page 6)
December 9, 2022
As pressurized hydrogen gas becomes a viable, low-carbon energy option, we must make sure that our national fuel transportation infrastructure is ready to handle it. Material behavior and after-effects of H2 exposure on pipeline materials must be evaluated and understood. EWI Principal Engineer for Structural Integrity, Bill Mohr, has written Effects of Hydrogen Exposure on...
DetailsOctober 13, 2022
Developing robust carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) technology is key to addressing the damaging effects of CO2 on the environment. The corrosive nature of carbon emissions, however, creates major challenges to CCUS efforts. EWI is now applying its expertise in material science and testing, modeling, and data science to address corrosion issues in CCUS...
DetailsSeptember 26, 2022
What impact does the presence of H2 have on a pipe weld, and what kind of damage can result from it? These are important questions that must be answered as development of a broad hydrogen infrastructure is progressing. The EWI structural integrity group has created a new modeling approach to examine the hydrogen diffusion into...