Advanced Manufacturing (Page 15)
May 19, 2020
By Henry CialonePresident & CEO, EWI As COVID-19 ravages the United States and Ohio, the tremendous impact on our physical health and well-being has quickly become clear. But the impact on our economy, supply chain and labor workforce will be debated for years to come. If we want to weather this storm and future pandemics,...
DetailsMay 5, 2020
In past years, efforts to adopt electric technologies in transportation manufacturing have been focused on the automotive sector. Today, however, industries including aerospace, shipbuilding, and commercial trucking are incorporating electromobility innovations to create products with lower emissions and greater energy efficiency than their traditional alternatives. E-mobility solutions offer attractive benefits, but there are challenges to...
DetailsApril 22, 2020
In rapid response to the shortage of protective medical masks due to the COVID-19 pandemic, EWI has developed an easy-to-produce, compliant mask prototype. The Vacuum Formed Stop-gap Face Mask design was made available to the public and free via open source. Download the design, model, and specs at the NIH 3D Print Exchange. The mask...