Advanced Manufacturing (Page 9)
December 14, 2021
Rosie Matthies examines her welding handiwork in the EW microjoining lab EWI recently hosted two secondary school teachers as part of the Ohio STEM Learning Network’s Manufacturing & Engineering Externship Program (MEEP). Mary Tugend of Metro Early College Middle School (Columbus) and Rosie Matthies of Shawnee High School (Springfield) spent two days shadowing engineers and...
DetailsSeptember 23, 2021
By Henry Cialone President & CEO, EWI The existence of a manufacturing workforce shortage is old news. I wrote about it in a December 2019 blog, and it wasn't new news even then! But what we're hearing now from the manufacturing community echoes what we're all hearing, reading, and seeing more broadly — the pandemic has...
DetailsSeptember 1, 2021
In the manufacturing world, robotic welding systems are making their way into directed energy deposition (DED) AM production. EWI recently converted, demonstrated, and validated an IPG Genesis robotic welding cell for DED AM use. The system is dimensionally accurate and ready to build large-scale AM parts. This project is described in IPG Genesis Robotic DED...