Aerospace (Page 13)
October 12, 2017
The annual EWI Forming Center Workshop was held on October 5 at EWI headquarters in Columbus, Ohio. Industry leaders convened to share knowledge and discuss applications, advances, and challenges related to sheet metal forming. The event, geared largely towards the automotive industry, featured presentations from Honda, Aida, KTH, AK Steel, AMAG, Fuchs, AutoForm, and others....
DetailsSeptember 29, 2017
The development of in-process monitoring techniques for laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) and other metal additive manufacturing (AM) processes is the first step towards advancing quality control methodologies for industrial application. This paper provides an overview of EWI’s work in evaluating different monitoring techniques and their applicability for inclusion in commercial L-PBF systems.
DetailsSeptember 14, 2017
EWI is pleased to announce our fall events calendar. We hope you will be able to join us at one more of these upcoming events. For information about a specific date, click on the event name below. To view EWI’s full schedule, visit https://ewi.org/events. EWI Strategic Technology Committee for Oil & Gas: Fall Meeting September 19...