Automotive (Page 18)
May 5, 2020
In past years, efforts to adopt electric technologies in transportation manufacturing have been focused on the automotive sector. Today, however, industries including aerospace, shipbuilding, and commercial trucking are incorporating electromobility innovations to create products with lower emissions and greater energy efficiency than their traditional alternatives. E-mobility solutions offer attractive benefits, but there are challenges to...
DetailsApril 27, 2020
Robotic directed energy deposition technology offers a robust, multi-faceted process for building and repairing large-scale components. EWI is currently involved in a broad research program to mature DED technology for use in the aerospace, energy, defense, shipbuilding, and heavy manufacturing industries. As part of this effort, EWI has installed a Cloos robotic DED system for...
DetailsFebruary 6, 2020
We are pleased to introduce Rivian, an American automaker and automotive technology company, as a new EWI member. Founded in 2009, Rivian develops vehicles, products and services related to sustainable transportation.