Consumer Electronics (Page 12)
December 15, 2015
Welding-induced distortion is a persistent challenge for many fabricators, especially those using arc-based welding processes. While trial-and-error methods can be effectively used to reduce distortion, such approaches are time-consuming and expensive. EWI is leading the way by developing efficient and accurate modeling approaches that allow manufacturers to quickly evaluate a range of distortion control techniques, even...
DetailsDecember 14, 2015
EWI is pleased to welcome Pitco Frialator back to membership. Pitco, an industry leader in design, research, and delivering new ideas for frying, provides fryers and oil filtration products.
DetailsOctober 30, 2015
EWI is pleased to welcome REM-tronics, Inc. as a new member company. REM-tronics is a leading high reliability contract manufacturer of electronic products.