EWI – Company (Page 25)
August 25, 2020
By Henry CialonePresident & CEO, EWI EWI has a mission statement. What organization doesn't these days? But I'm not sure many people, even many directly affiliated with EWI, could articulate it precisely. That said, I do believe that many would, if asked, be able to accurately describe what we do. Because really, it's quite simple:...
DetailsJuly 20, 2020
EWI is pleased to announce the appointment of Jeff Ellis as Senior Technology Leader of the ultrasonics group. He is responsible for managing EWI’s plastics technology roadmap, developing strategies for external engagements, innovating new plastics technologies through internal research and development, and ensuring high technical quality of proposals and reports for customer projects. Jeff comes...
DetailsJune 11, 2020
We are pleased to introduce Beckett Thermal Solutions as a new EWI member. The Ohio-based company produces gas combustion components for a wide variety of industries.