EWI – Company (Page 32)
July 5, 2019
Buffalo Manufacturing Works is moving to a new location! The home base for EWI's New York operation is now: Buffalo Manufacturing Works683 Northland AvenueBuffalo, NY 14211 We are still settling in and not quite ready for visitors. However, all postal deliveries and shipments should now be sent to our new address. We look forward to...
DetailsMay 23, 2019
The Ohio Academy of Science's State Science Day was held on Saturday, March 11, at the French Field House on the campus of The Ohio State University. The highlight of this annual event was a was a state-wide competition for outstanding student projects in the field of materials science and engineering. EWI sponsors the competition...
DetailsMay 15, 2019
I visit dozens of those customers throughout the course of a year. One question I ask in some form on every visit is, “How well do you coordinate work between departments?” “Not very well,” is almost always the response.