EWI – Company (Page 34)
December 31, 2018
2018 was an exciting year at EWI. We developed game-changing technologies and solutions for industry, and helped many clients realize their goals. In addition, we achieved several successes of our own – from award-winning R&D to collaborative efforts in research standards, government programs, and spinouts – that will benefit manufacturing in the coming year and...
DetailsDecember 12, 2018
The additive manufacturing (AM) process laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) is applied frequently to build complex, shaped parts. The process uses a laser beam to melt metallic powders which are then deposited layer by layer. As the range of metals and alloys for L-PBF continues to expand, the characteristics of these new materials need to...
DetailsNovember 26, 2018
EWI is pleased to return to the Defense Manufacturing Conference (DMC) taking place December 3-6 at the Music City Center in Nashville, TN. During the technical program, EWI Senior Technology Advisor Larry Brown will present “Cold Spray Development Opportunities and Applications for DOD,” Thursday, December 6 from 1:30-2:00pm. In addition, Mark Norfolk, President of EWI affiliate...