EWI – Company (Page 39)
July 31, 2018
EWI welcomes Photon Automation, Inc. to membership. The company designs and develops automated systems for a variety of manufacturing applications by incorporating advanced manufacturing technologies, including lasers, vision systems, precision measurement devices, and robotics for their customer base. Photon Automation has three locations in Indiana.
DetailsJuly 25, 2018
Fuel Cell Energy, Inc. delivers fuel cell solutions configured for the supply, recovery, and storage of energy. The company provides services including the design and installation of projects as well as long-term operation and maintenance of fuel cell systems. With corporate offices in Danbury, CT, Fuel Cell Energy has manufacturing locations in North America, South Korea and Germany.
DetailsJuly 24, 2018
ASTM International, Auburn University, NASA, EWI, and the MTC Launch Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence On July 23, two groups launched centers of excellence in additive manufacturing aimed at accelerating R&D, standardization, and innovation in that field, also known as 3D printing. Global standards developer ASTM International launched its Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (www.amcoe.org)...