EWI – Company (Page 4)
April 4, 2024
EWI is pleased to welcome Copeland LP to EWI membership. The international company works to provide sustainable HVACR technology and cold-chain solutions to reduce carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency in spaces of all sizes, from residential to commercial to industrial.
DetailsFebruary 28, 2024
Buffalo Manufacturing Works in Buffalo, NY, is owned and operated by EWI. So, what's the difference between them? It's a question we get asked a lot. In this video, EWI Director of External Programs Liz Callahan asks Henry Cialone, President & CEO of EWI, for clarification. Find out how the two entities complement each other...
DetailsFebruary 22, 2024
We are pleased to welcome Solar Dynamics LLC as a new EWI member. The company, based in Denver, CO, develops next-generation products and services for concentrating solar energy.