EWI – Company (Page 6)
January 10, 2024
We are pleased to welcome the John Deere Moline Technology Innovation Center back to EWI membership. The Moline Technology Innovation Center is based at the John Deere headquarters in Illinois.
DetailsJanuary 1, 2024
In 2023, EWI worked to solve our clients pressing problems and to develop new techniques that would boost their productivity, improve their quality, and help them successfully launch new products. But we also kept our eye on the future, giving companies like yours bigger, better, bolder approaches for making decisions about your next steps. You...
DetailsNovember 28, 2023
EWI’s technical team goes broad and deep. In addition to the well-known engineering corps, we have a highly skilled, absolutely essential team of top-notch technicians working in both our Columbus and Buffalo facilities. They cover many key tasks at EWI including loading, setting, and fixing new and redeployed systems; running weld, material, and integrity tests...