EWI Diagnostic Tools
April 25, 2023
Combining video with data acquisition programs can deliver a highly sophisticated tool for diagnosing potential problems and making adjustments while fabrication is in process. There are existing high-speed camera (HSC) and data acquisition (DAQ) systems that have been custom-built, but to-date these have been cumbersome to operate and commercially unsupported. EWI has developed a new,...
DetailsFebruary 22, 2023
The H-coupon test, developed a few years ago to evaluate cracking behavior in spot-welded advanced high-strength steels (AHSS), has recently been applied to galvanized third generation AHSS. Two types of cracking have been observed in the tests of these steel grades – interfacial and zinc liquid metal embrittlement (LME). This research is discussed in Application...
DetailsMarch 31, 2021
As a technology innovation organization dedicated to advancing the state of manufacturing, EWI frequently develops new diagnostic tools to improve production processes and efficiencies. Companies can work with EWI to take advantage of these cutting-edge applications for testing, inspection, and increased productivity. Over the last few months, EWI has released three diagnostic tool sheets to...