Forming (Page 2)
April 6, 2023
Back by popular demand -- Technical webinars return this month to EWI's presentation roster! The renewed series of online seminars will start on Wednesday, April 26th, with Integrated Computational Materials Engineering Tools taught by EWI Senior Technology Leader Jerry Gould. The session, which will run from 2:00-2:45 EDT, will provide a baseline understanding of ICME...
DetailsSeptember 15, 2022
The EWI Forming Center is pleased to host two special learning opportunities this fall in advanced sheet metal forming. The programs are open to the public and will both take place in Columbus, Ohio. Fundamentals & Applications of Sheet Metal Forming ClassOctober 18-19, 2022 at EWI HeadquartersGet a comprehensive overview of sheet metal forming practices,...
DetailsMay 25, 2022
Laser-welded blanks offer many advantages in automotive closures and structures, but base-material necking and cracking can be an issue. To provide better data for FE simulation modeling, EWI has developed a “mini-dogbone” tensile test for LWB formability evaluation. Hyunok Kim, EWI Forming Center Director, describes this work in Evaluating Laser-welded Blank Formability and Predicting Potential...