Forming (Page 3)
May 11, 2022
The increasing use of AHSS and aluminum alloys for lightweighting automotive structure necessitates a highly accurate prediction model for springback. Recently, EWI devised a cyclic tension-compression test method to qualify a new prediction model. This work is described in Cyclic Tension-compression Testing for Kinematic Hardening Material Models written by EWI Applications Engineer Laura Zoller. You...
DetailsFebruary 28, 2022
The EWI Forming Center Consortium (FCC) is a member-based industry and research group that offers its partners opportunities for cross-industry technical exchange, joint research, and shared services. Its goal is to advance sheet metal forming technology through organized and focused activities as applied to formability, lubricant evaluation, process design, and process innovation. R&D projects for...
DetailsFebruary 7, 2022
Aluminum and advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) have been increasingly applied to automotive structural components which allow for improvements in crashworthiness without corresponding weight increases. However, these materials bring along challenges of controlling or compensating springback in design and production phases. Excessive springback causes fit and finish issues and is very difficult to eliminate or reduce...