Friction Processes
October 8, 2024
At FABTECH October 14-17, EWI engineers will have many applied R&D innovations to share with manufacturers. If you are heading to Orlando, don't miss the technology breakthroughs being debuted at the AWS Professional Program. EWI's presentations will include the following: Nano-particle Aluminum Weld Wire Advancement for Navy Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) Activity – Monday,...
DetailsMay 20, 2024
How can you build large, durable structures in deep space in a way that minimizes parts handling, simplifies construction steps, and can be automated or controlled remotely? In a project funded by NASA, EWI and BOND Technologies have developed and validated a process based on refill friction stir spot welding (RFSSW) to build a solar...
DetailsAugust 16, 2023
Integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) can be used effectively to understand thermal excursions and mechanical response in single-shot joining methods such as resistance-spot, flash-butt, friction, hot-gas, and thermite welding. As part of EWI’s ongoing series of papers examining the uses of ICME as a prediction tool in manufacturing, Senior Technology Leader Jerry Gould has written...