Manufacturing Technology (Page 8)
August 10, 2021
The partnership between EWI and the City of Lynchburg, VA, is the only one of its kind in the country. With support from local government, the regional Office of Economic Development & Tourism works hand-in-hand with EWI to connect Lynchburg manufacturers with resources and talent to innovate and streamline operations. “The unique partnership between the...
DetailsAugust 9, 2021
Currently, recycling industrial scrap metal is expensive, messy, and inefficient. Nevertheless, the goal of reducing the 25 million tons of metal waste produced each year remains top priority in the manufacturing industry. EWI has developed a new scrap metal recycling method that consolidates and extrudes a metal byproduct suitable for industrial re-use faster and in...
DetailsMarch 17, 2021
Tele-manufacturing offers the ability to accurately transfer manual skillsets from local personnel to remote automated systems. EWI has been innovating in tele-manufacturing over the past two years by developing a tele-presence welding system. Tele-welding allows a worker to operate welding equipment from a remote location while still in control of the welding process and torch...