Metal 3D Printing (Page 2)
April 14, 2021
You may be ready to adopt additive manufacturing technology for production -- but you still have questions about how to get the most out of additive technology. What key factors do you need to examine before adopting AM for your applications? To address your questions, EWI presents the Guide to Metal Additive Manufacturing, Part II:...
DetailsApril 27, 2020
Robotic directed energy deposition technology offers a robust, multi-faceted process for building and repairing large-scale components. EWI is currently involved in a broad research program to mature DED technology for use in the aerospace, energy, defense, shipbuilding, and heavy manufacturing industries. As part of this effort, EWI has installed a Cloos robotic DED system for...
DetailsMay 15, 2018
Ultrasonic metal foil additive manufacturing is a technology that was pioneered by Fabrisonic, an affiliate of EWI. It uses ultrasonic welding to build up metal parts layer by layer – a low-temperature, solid-state process that can produce 3D-printed parts as large as 6’ x 6’ square. Recently, Fabrisonic President Mark Norfolk gave a terrific explanation...