Oil & Gas (Page 11)
May 15, 2018
Since our founding in 1984, EWI has supported the midstream pipeline industry through developing nondestructive examination tools, specialized testing and computer modeling approaches to support construction, repair, and integrity assessment of critical pipeline systems, materials engineering, and welding process expertise. EWI Senior Technology Advisor Tom McGaughy has written EWI Capabilities to Support the Midstream Pipeline Industry which outlines recent...
DetailsMarch 21, 2018
We are pleased to welcome new member MSA Safety Inc. Founded as Mine Safety Appliances Inc., in 1914 with a focus on mine rescue, the company now leads the charge for workplace safety with a product line that includes oil and gas detection meters, fire safety equipment and hard hats. The company has locations in...
DetailsDecember 21, 2017
We are pleased to introduce new EWI member AMERICAN Steel Pipe, a division of AMERICAN Cast Iron Pipe Company. Based in Birmingham, AL, AMERICAN Steel Pipe manufactures electric-resistance-welded steel pipe in diameters from 12 ¾ to 24 inches. AMERICAN Steel Pipe is a major source for oil and gas transmission lines, and is also widely...