August 27, 2024
Data-based tools and techniques can significantly improve manufacturing efficiency and productivity. To date, however, there have been challenges – both real and perceived – to full-scale adoption of data science across industrial sectors. To address these obstacles, EWI Director of Data Science Alex Kitt has written Data Science: New Approaches to Address Manufacturing Challenges. This...
DetailsFebruary 12, 2024
Integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) principles can be applied to model thermo-mechanical material behavior in joining and additive manufacturing applications. Demonstrations and examples have been presented in several recent EWI publications.* The ICME framework can also offer a solution approach to modeling microstructural response in similar applications. EWI Principal Engineer Michael Eff and Senior Technology...
DetailsNovember 30, 2020
Low force friction welding, a hybrid technology developed by EWI and MTI, uses an external energy source to raise the interface temperature of the parts being welded, reducing process forces required to make a solid-state weld compared to traditional friction welding. Low Force Friction Welding of Bimetallics: Aluminum 6061 to 1020 Steel Tubes, written by...