Polymers (Page 2)
May 7, 2024
Selecting the right material for a new medical device -- especially when it comes to polymers -- is critical to the success of the product. Material failures are costly and common; more than a third of FDA recalls are due to material problems. Preventing Material Failure in Plastic Products: A Resource for Medical Manufacturers, written...
DetailsApril 25, 2024
Optically transparent medical testing devices, such as microfluidic chips and diagnostic components, require precise and delicate welding techniques to maintain their functionality and integrity. The need for clarity and the intolerance of contaminates make most welding approaches unsuitable. Hot plate welding is too imprecise due to the need to move the parts during the joining...
DetailsOctober 11, 2023
As hydrogen becomes a viable source of power, assuring a safe infrastructure for a national transport system is imperative. As part of that effort, we must accurately understand how H2 interacts with permeable polymers used in pipelines, pumps, tanks, and seals. To date, there is not much known about H2 diffusion through polymers in high-pressure...