Soldering and Brazing (Page 3)
May 23, 2016
Back by Popular Demand – Fundamentals of Welding Class
EWI will once again offer its Fundamentals of Welding class the week of June 20-24, 2016, at EWI in Columbus, OH. This five-day course provides engineers and technicians an overview of the various aspects of welding technology. The course is organized into modules discussing welding processes, welding metallurgy and weldability, welding design and testing (including mechanical testing...
DetailsApril 7, 2016
How to Check the Quality of SMAW Electrodes Before Fabrication
Shield metal arc welding (SMAW) electrodes are the most popular filler materials in the world, offering the widest range of alloy types and brands available in the global market.
DetailsOctober 30, 2015
Welcome New Member — Nucor Corporation
EWI is pleased to welcome Nucor Corporation as a new member company. Nucor is the largest producer of steel products in America.