Technology Innovation
August 20, 2024
In the past several years, EWI has successfully developed tele-manufacturing capabilities to remotely operate several fabrication processes. Our latest tele-task transformation is arc gouging. In a project supported by the Steel Founders Society of America (SFSA), EWI set out to automate specific manual foundry processes known for being difficult, dirty, and/or dangerous. Carbon arc gouging...
DetailsJuly 22, 2024
Welding thick parts efficiently and effectively is a huge challenge in heavy industry. The extra steps that manufacturers need to take to ensure quality can be costly and time-consuming – not to mention the possibility of introducing other problems like distortion and waste. EWI has developed and tested several new methods that are now being...
DetailsMay 23, 2024
The Additive Manufacturing Consortium (AMC), operated by EWI, is pleased to announce its 2024 research portfolio, which includes two new projects and two continuations: High-strength Aluminum Testing and Characterization of Commercially Available Materials (continued) – This project will continue to evaluate previously provided builds to examine the effect of HIPing on fatigue and elevated temperature mechanical properties, porosity...