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EWI, ATI Authorized to Operate Center for Naval Metalworking

February 1, 2017
Paul Blomquist
Paul Blomquist

We are pleased to announce that on January 17, 2017, the Office of Naval Research Manufacturing Technology Program (ONR-ManTech) announced that the team of Advanced Technology International (ATI) and EWI was authorized to operate the Center for Naval Metalworking (CNM), for up to five years. CNM is a U.S. Navy Manufacturing Technologies (ManTech) Center of Excellence chartered by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) to provide applied R&D to benefit platforms of critical interest to the Navy. It will focus on work in these technological areas of expertise:

Nancy Porter
Nancy Porter
  • metals and advance metallic materials
  • metal-based composites
  • ceramics
  • metallic materials-based systems
  • metal/non-metals interfaces issues
  • primary metal materials manufacturing processes (e.g. additive manufacturing)
  • joining techniques
  • surface and heat treatments
  • metalworking systems engineering activities
  • material characterizations and testing
  • process design control
  • product design and structural performance
  • environmental issues and recycling
  • information and data handling and transfer
  • manufacturing technology/industrial base infrastructure
  • inspection technologies

EWI’s Paul Blomquist and Nancy Porter have respectively been named Technical Director and Project Manager for the CNM program. EWI has a 30-year history of providing such technological expertise to a wide variety of industries, both domestic and international. EWI looks forward to continuing the relationship  with ATI and working with the US Navy to provide innovative options and solutions to improve the quality, accuracy, cost and schedule of US Navy ship and aircraft construction and maintenance programs.