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EWI Celebrates Manufacturing Day 2017

October 18, 2017

EWI held two special programs on October 6 to mark Manufacturing Day 2017, a nationwide day of events that highlight the importance of manufacturing in the American economy and workplace.

mfg day Ohio new press ribbonIn the morning, several officials from the State of Ohio visited EWI’s Columbus facility to dedicate our newly installed, 330-ton servo press. In attendance were Stephen White, District Director for U.S. Senator Rob Portman; Rob Nichols, District Director for U.S. Congressman Pat Tiberi; and Mike Dittoe, Chief of Staff for Ohio House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger. The acquisition of the Aida press was made possible through a $1.5 million award from the state’s capital budget fund last year.

mfg day PAST 1Later that afternoon, we were pleased to co-sponsor an event with two local organizations who share our mission to advance American manufacturing through innovation and education. EWI teamed up with Rogue Fitness at the PAST Innovation Lab to talk to students interested in pursuing careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math) fields when they graduate. The Innovation Lab is a state-of-the-art, educational prototyping center that offers unique, hands-on learning opportunities for students of all ages. The event participants, ages 8-18, enjoyed talking to Heimdall Mendoza, an engineer in EWI’s Additive Manufacturing group; and mfg day PAST 2Nick Garcia, Senior Designer at Rogue Fitness, an EWI member company known for its Crossfit equipment.