Two EWI engineers are currently featured on the ASSEMBLY AUDIBLE podcast. This program, produced by ASSEMBLY magazine, explores the people, processes and technologies on the cutting edge of part-to-product fabrication.
As a lead up to the ASSEMBLY Show later in October, Senior Engineer Miranda Marcus and Project Engineer Olga Eliseeva both gave interviews introducing their work at EWI and the innovative applications for production technology. Both EWI associates will be teaching workshops at the upcoming ASSEMBLY Show on Tuesday, October 25th. Olga’s session in the morning will hone in on Metal Welding for Battery Packs. Miranda’s afternoon presentation will cover Fundamentals of Plastic Welding.
To hear these two welding engineers discuss the topics of their upcoming workshops, listen to the ASSEMBLY Audible podcasts:
In addition to these presenters, two other EWI engineers will be teaching at ASSEMBLY Show workshops. Senior Engineering Leader Jeff Ellis will be part of a panel session on Electric & Autonomous Vehicles: The Future is Now (October 25th). Engineering Group Leader Matt Malloy will offer Introduction to Automation Implementation (October 27th).
To learn more about all four workshops at the ASSEMBLY Show featuring EWI technical specialists, click here.
The ASSEMBLY Show is open to the public. For registration information and more, visit www.TheASSEMBLYShow.com.