CAR Management Briefing Seminars 2023
July 31 – August 3, 2023
Grand Traverse Resort, Acme, Michigan
EWI will be featured at three events during this year’s CAR MBS conference. Please plan to join us for any or all of them:
- August 1-3: EWI will host an exhibit at CAR MBS. Please visit EWI associates Doug Myers, Jerry Gould, and Jon Jennings at our booth right outside the general sessions to learn about EWI’s latest research and technology innovations.
- August 1, 3:45-4:45 pm: EWI Senior Technology Leader Jerry Gould will participate in a panel discussion on Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes. This session will delve into the cutting-edge advancements and strategies in automotive materials and manufacturing processes that are driving innovation and shaping the future of the industry.
- August 2, 7:30-9:30 am: EWI is pleased to present a special breakfast workshop in the Director’s Room (hotel lobby level) on ESG Initiatives: Moving the Needle for Manufacturing. The program will address the following:
- How your organization can reduce energy consumption and get to carbon neutrality by 20XX
- What you need to do measure your energy usage and savings, report it, and validate the results
- Technology that EWI has already developed and implemented with clients to reduce utility consumption by up to 80%
This event is FREE, but registration is required.
We look forward to seeing you at CAR MBS!