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Webinar: Design of Experiments for Manufacturing Processes

Design of Experiments for Manufacturing Processes
An EWI Webinar

September 23, 2020
1:00-2:00 pm EST

Instructor: Jerry Gould
Senior Technology Leader, Resistance Welding & Solid-state Processes

Design of experiments (DOE) tools help manufacturers assess and develop processing technologies for a wide range of applications. DOE approaches allow users to develop empirical maps correlating input factors to selected process responses. These maps can then be used to optimize processes for quality and performance.

There are several key steps in creating a DOE, including design selection, experimental data collection, conditioning for statistical analysis, mapping of the datasets, and assessment of the robustness plot. The result is an effective method for characterizing performance of manufacturing systems.

Please join EWI Senior Technology Leader Jerry Gould on Wednesday, September 23, to learn about DOE methodology, development, and how using a DOE can help your organization design a better product.