Hey, we are in the news again! This morning EWI received special mention at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in an important session on advanced manufacturing. In describing Ohio’s leading role in new manufacturing technologies, Governor John Kasich specifically named EWI as a leader in additive manufacturing, calling our capabilities “absolutely remarkable.”
Additive manufacturing (AM), also known in the popular press as “3-D printing,” has received a lot of media attention recently. In the past several months, it has been discussed in Forbes, The Economist, Scientific American, and on CNN and NPR. EWI has been on the forefront of AM research for years, as evidenced by our leadership in founding and operating the Additive Manufacturing Consortium, and our role in developing the new start-up Fabrisonic LLC with its family of ultrasonic AM machines.
As the governor says, “There is a revolution going on and it is both evolutionary and revolutionary, and wow, is it fun.” We think so, too.
Check out the governor’s remarks at http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2013/01/24/Kasich-talks-manufacturing-at-World-Economic-Forum.html