On Thursday EWI participated in the American Red Cross Blood Drive. It was a great success. Thanks to Mary Lorenez, our official Blood Drive coordinator and to our generous staff at EWI we achieved Silver Level status, which is achieved by hosting three blood drives a year. Setting a goal or challenge for the company often inspires greater participation and we have a great bunch who often give on a regular basis – we couldn’t be more proud of our staff. Each pint we donated can help to save up to three lives.
A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE WHO PARTICIPATED today: especially those who were good sports and allowed me take their picture to share with the blogging world.
Angie Cox, Accounting Manager
Rich Minshall, Lead Technician in Lab Services
Matt Boring, Senior Engineer, see blogs by Matt https://www.ewi.org/author/mboring
Diane Reef, Sr. Technician, see Di at work https://www.ewi.org/?s=diane+reef
Lynn Price, Corporate Services Manager