The following EWI associates will speak at professional events in June 2023:
- Bill Mohr, Principal Engineer, will present a webinar, Effects of Hydrogen Exposure of X70 and X80 Pipeline Steel Charpy Properties, on Wednesday, June 7th, at 1:00 pm.
- Jeff Ellis, Senior Technology Leader, will present Innovations in Polymer Joining at IME East on Wednesday, June 14th, at 10:30 AM.
- Three EWI engineers will speak at the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers Meeting (ISOPE):
- Josh James, Principal Engineer, on Effects of Strain on Hydrogen Permeation: Test Methodology Development.
- Tom McGaughy, Senior Technical Leader, and Jesse Rhodes, Applications Engineer, will speak on Evaluation of Hydrogen Gas Preconditioning Time for Characterizing Carbon Steel Material Properties.
- Sam Bedard, Applications Engineer, will present Rapid CS Additive Manufacturing of Robot End Effectors at the Cold Spray Action Team (CSAT) meeting on Wednesday, June 21st, at 2:50 pm.
- Logan McNeil, Project Engineer, and Dennis Harwig, Senior Technology Leader, will present Robotic Hybrid DED Manufacturing of Large Format High Strength Steel Aero Structures at the Large Scale Additive Action Team (LSAAT) meeting on Thursday, June 22nd, at 2:05 pm.
To learn more about EWI’s applied R&D for manufacturing, visit www.ewi.org.