At EWI, we engage with various industries through our broad client base. We see, first hand, the diversity of challenges faced by manufacturers in all sectors. As a result, our engineering teams have the opportunity to participate in a diversity of technology development projects and provide innovative manufacturing solutions across industry.
EWI also works proactively to learn about new capabilities and technology so we can make strategic investments to increase our relevancy to industry. With that in mind, EWI recently published Manufacturing Processes: Surface Engineering and Cold Spray Technology. Within this article was a request to complete a survey that asked the question, “What are your company’s surface engineering needs?”
Responses revealed interest in new investigations into surface treatments i.e. plasma, laser, mechanical, and coatings. Cold spray technology was viewed as an up-and-coming technology that needs more attention, both in technology awareness and coating performance.
As a result, EWI is now directing IR&D projects to evaluate new surface treatment for dissimilar joining of polymers to metal and ceramic to metal, and to explore cold spray technology as both a coating and additive manufacturing process.
To those of you who participated in the survey, thank you for your feedback. If you did not respond but would like to add your input, you can take the survey now by clicking here.
If you have questions or want to learn more about EWI’s research and project work in surface engineering, please contact Larry Brown at [email protected] or 614.688.5059.