EWI is pleased to announce our fall events calendar. We hope you will be able to join us at one more of these upcoming events.
For information about a specific date, click on the event name below. To view EWI’s full schedule, visit https://ewi.org/events.
EWI Strategic Technology Committee for Oil & Gas: Fall Meeting
September 19
Houston, Texas
NextFlex Innovation Day 2017
EWI speaker Tim Frech; EWI exhibit booth
September 21
San Jose, CA
Pack Expo International 2017
EWI exhibit booth S-7489
September 25-27
Las Vegas, Nevada
Advanced Sheet Metal Forming Technology Workshop
October 5
Columbus, OH
National Manufacturing Day with EWI at the PAST Foundation
October 6
Columbus, OH
Additive Metal Manufacturing Conference
EWI speakers: Frank Medina, Alex Kitt, Ron Aman
October 10-11
Buffalo, NY
Fundamentals of Welding Course
October 16-20
Columbus, OH
Future of Materials Joining and Forming Technologies: Priorities & Challenges
October 19
Detroit, MI
Aluminum USA 2017
October 25-26
Nashville, TN
Additive Manufacturing Consortium: Fall Meeting
November 1-2
Albuquerque, NM