EWI’s X-ray Computed Tomography Services
Did you know that x-ray computed tomography (XCT) can be used to nondestructively evaluate many different sizes and types of material? From human bones to welds to additively manufactured parts, XCT provides a way to look at the internal features of a sample without the need for destructive testing. In recent discussions, I’ve learned that many current and potential EWI customers do not know about commonly used XCT applications or how XCT can help with your quality assurance, process development, or research needs.
At EWI’s Buffalo Manufacturing Works, we have two high-powered industrial XCT systems to suit a variety of scanning applications. Our 225kV system can get down to 5 micrometer resolution, providing value to such applications as process parameter development, location and size distribution of porosity, and CAD to part comparisons for dimensional accuracy or reverse engineering (image below). With the 450kV system, while the resolution may be lower at 80 micrometers, we can penetrate through thicker material (up to a foot of steel!), observe crack detection for structural integrity, and perform wall thickness analyses. Whatever your inspection needs may be, EWI is here to help.
Interested in learning more about what XCT can do for you? Please contact Dan Kmiotek at 716.710,5566 for more information.