We recently began field testing our first beta EWI AdvanceTrainer™ system to capture benefits data from a new batch of welding students at South-Western Career Academy (SWCA) in Grove City, OH. The first step was to record baseline skill levels of over 20 students. Welding instructor, Dave Williams, selected a small group of students to work full-time on the EWI AdvanceTrainer™ to learn basic MIG welding skills. The students will proceed through their normal curriculum, learning the appropriate positions and process, with the aid of immediate and accurate feedback on their torch manipulation skills.
EWI is planning to build more beta units, incorporating improvements and changes based on input and experience with this early testing phase. We are currently looking for select test partners. If your training facility is interested, please contact us through this site.
A new beta version will be rolled out at FABTECH 2010 in Atlanta this November. Check back for more details about the show and results of the beta testing at SWCA.