You may have seen the discouraging news last week from Economy Watch at NBC News that the US manufacturing sector contracted for the third straight month. http://economywatch.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/04/13657988-manufacturing-sector-shrinks-for-third-straight-month?lite
We all understand how a robust and expanding manufacturing base in the US can help lead us out of the economic slump we have experienced for many months.
That’s why I’m encouraged by EWI’s growing track record of helping US manufacturers grow their markets through innovative, new products and improve their profitability through development of more efficient manufacturing processes. A surprising number of new product innovations are enabled through the application of somewhat unique material combinations, often required to achieve superior product performance. Not surprising, however, is that EWI’s deep experience in joining dis-similar materials is the key to developing a manufacturing process that allows use of such materials.
Likewise, improvements in manufacturing efficiencies can be achieved through development of new processes that use less energy or result in higher productivity and lower costs. EWI has a long history of developing and implementing processes such as joining, forming, and machining – but with recent success in developing these processes that result in the efficiencies that have a financial impact on our client’s manufacturing business.
Call me if you’d like to learn more about how EWI can help establish the robust products and processes necessary for our economic times.
Dale Robinson
Business Development Manager, Consumer & Industrial Products
614.688.5232/[email protected]